Pub Quiz Time 酒吧常識時間My company hosts a pub quiz night. Basically you form a group of 8 people and answer trivia questions. The prizes are cash and food and drinks are all free. Few of my coworkers and spouses got together and formed a team called "Academically Challenged"我公司舉辦了一場酒吧小常識夜 基本上八人一組回答常識問題 贏的獎品是現金 啤酒和食物都免費 我和幾個同事還有先生們組成一組隊名叫"堅苦學習"There are 8 rounds and each round is different topic, such as history, sports, videos...etc.挑戰有八回合 組題不同 有歷史 運動 還有短片The whole place is packed with Hyland people. 整個酒吧幾乎都是我們公司的人This is our group.這是我們的隊員The food is mostly fried goodies, such as egg roll and chicken fingers. That's why it is so good. 食物幾乎都是炸的東西 像是春捲 所以特別好吃Xiao-pang is going for the third or fourth or however many round of beers. This is the first time I had X'mas Ale and it is pretty good.小胖已不知是第幾回合去拿脾酒了 我一次喝聖誕酒 挺好喝的Is he thinking about the answer or the beer???他到底在想答案還是啤酒Our group is thinking hard. 我們這隊很努力的在想答案.

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